Wir freuen uns sehr, dass wir für diesen Clubabend den schweizweit bekannten Wirtschaftshistoriker Prof. Dr. Tobias Straumann gewinnen konnten. Ihr dürft euch auf ein äusserst spannendes Referat freuen! Tobias Straumann ist Professor für Wirtschaftsgeschichte und Leiter des Nachdiplomstudiums «MAS ... Wir freuen uns sehr, dass wir für diesen Clubabend den schweizweit bekannten Wirtschaftshistoriker Prof. Dr. Tobias Straumann gewinnen konnten. Ihr dürft euch auf ein äusserst spannendes Referat freuen! Tobias Straumann ist Professor für Wirtschaftsgeschichte und Leiter des Nachdiplomstudiums «MAS in Applied History» an der Universität Zürich. Sein Forschungsinteresse gilt vor allem der europäischen Geld- und Finanzgeschichte und der schweizerischen Wirtschaftsgeschichte. Daneben ist er Wirtschaftskolumnist bei der NZZ am Sonntag. Weitere Informationen zu unserem Referenten sowie zu seinen Publikationen finden sich auf der Homepage von Tobias Straumann. Der Abend im Detail:Ab 19.00 Uhr: ApéroAb 19.30 Uhr: Referat von Prof. Dr. Tobias StraumannAnschliessend: Gemeinsames Abendessen Ort der Veranstaltung: Restaurant Weisser Wind, Oberdorfstrasse 20, 8001 Zürich, Schweiz Link für "digitale" Teilnahme via Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/4722586296?pwd=S0JnUEZxaGcrNU4rTzcyK2duTGsxdz09 Meeting-ID: 472 258 6296Kenncode: GNHp3xSchnelleinwahl mobil+41225910005,,4722586296#,,,,*872717# Schweiz+41225910156,,4722586296#,,,,*872717# SchweizEinwahl nach aktuellem StandortSchweiz: +41 44 529 92 72Andere Länder: https://zoom.us/u/acTTDKik26Meeting-ID: 472 258 6296Kenncode: 872717
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Two long time Rotarians initiated the formation of the new Rotary Club Zurich Plus, which was chartered on February 23, 2021. This new Rotary Club expands the range of existing clubs in the city of Zurich.
The Plus in our name stands for multiple membership options offered that will make our club and its activities more interesting and livelier. We offer more flexibility: our regular club meetings are on Tuesday evenings, three times a month, one of which is a virtual meeting by Zoom, and two are “hybrid” meetings, i.e., a physical meeting held at our venue as well by Zoom.
Our club venue : Restaurant Weisser Wind
Our venue for the club meetings is the Restaurant Weisser Wind, located at Oberdorfstrasse 20, in the heart of Zurich. The exact dates and details of our meetings are listed in the calendar in our webpage.
The Plus further stands for our own “Four-Values Test” that we have created for our Club in addition to the traditional Four-Way Test of Rotary. It reads as follows:
1. Real deeds and commitment
2. Genuine friendships and mutual willingness to help
3. Be open and transparent
4. Be passionate and joyful about Rotary
We are delighted that we now can start to be active. We wish to convey the values and objectives of Rotary and we are enthusiastic to start with our “good deeds”. For us this is a matter close to our hearts. All our members have committed themselves to charitable actions and work, in the sense of “Service above Self” of Rotary. We wish to support not only the existing projects of Rotary, like EndPolioNow, mine-Ex or SkillDreams Laos, but also our own projects, by ways of donations or “hands-on”. This way we help to improve the life and opportunities of less privileged persons. We will also support relief measures in disaster areas and help to protect our environment.
At the center of all our activities, we aim to foster and deepen Rotarian friendships while also having fun. This is very important to us.
We write our name Rotary Club Zurich Plus, - Zurich without the umlaut. Although we are a German speaking club, this stands for our internationality and openness. Rotarians from all over the world are very welcome to attend our meetings – be it online or in our club venue – and to participate in our charitable projects. We extend a warm welcome and are looking forward to meeting you! More information about our agenda and projects can be found on our German website.
For any questions kindly revert to our Club Secretary (contact).